Helping Hands Garden of HOPE
Welcome to the Helping Hands Garden of H.O.P.E. Our mission is to Help Overcome Poverty's Effect, and our garden plays a crucial role in achieving that goal.
Did you know that our dedicated team grows an impressive average of 9,500 lbs. of fresh vegetables every year? These nutritious goodies go directly to our client families through our Food Pantry, providing them with wholesome sustenance.
But we can't do it alone. We need your help! Whether you have a green thumb or simply love getting your hands dirty, we invite you to join us in the garden. There are various tasks that we could use assistance with, including seeding, planting, weeding, mowing, and harvesting. By lending a hand, you'll contribute to making a real difference in the lives of those facing poverty.
"Hi. My name is Rob. Are you looking to lend a hand in the garden? Just 'lettuce' know, and we'll 'reel' you in as a volunteer."

Are you ready to 'dig' in? Now that I'm retired, running the community garden has become my daily source of fulfillment. From tending to vibrant blooms to sharing gardening tips with fellow enthusiasts, it's a blossoming adventure that keeps me rooted in joy and purpose.
Photo Gallery
Garden of H.O.P.E.
Deadend at Oliver Rd
Canton, MS 39046
(601) 407-1404
Hours vary. Please contact us.