Where does our food come from?
The food that you find in our pantry comes from several sources. For example, a good deal is donated by the MS Food Network. We are also blessed to be the recipients of year-round donations by several non-profit groups, as well as the general public. MadCAAP also receives food donations from group food drives. Finally, and most importantly, several years back we created our own community garden: Helping Hands Garden of H.O.P.E.

food always needed
• Spaghetti Sauce
• Pasta
• Canned Vegetables
• Peanut Butter
• Jelly
• Canned Chicken
• Canned Fruit
• Saltine Crackers
• Vienna Sausage
• Hearty Soups
• Canned Beef Stew
• Macaroni & Cheese
• Dry Beans
• Cereal
• Rice

To ENROLL or SIGN-UP your Kroger card, go to:
Search for us by name or by our new account number: KY560
Shopping at Kroger
Did you know you can support MadCAAP by buying groceries at Kroger? Link MadCAAP (Madison Countians Allied Against Poverty) to your Kroger card, and we will automatically benefit. Last year, Kroger shoppers that made MadCAAP their charity of choice produced over $3000 of income for our food pantry.